Tag Archives: life is suffering

Declaring “Happy Time!”

by Aranyakananda A dear friend of mine has taken up the practice of declaring that it is time for a “Happy Moment” on Facebook posts. It is at these moments, or whenever his friends read these posts, when we are … Continue reading

Posted in American Hindus, Brahman, Buddha, Buddhism, Comparitive Religion, creativity, current events, dharma, Dharmic Faiths, Divine Consciousness, dualism, duality, Eastern Philosophy, editorial, ego, games, guru, Hinduism, humor, inspiration, Krishna Consciousness, life, Maya, meaning of life, non-dualism, opinion, philosophy, quotes, religion, Sanatana Dharma, self-realization, social commentary, spirituality, Vaishnavism, Vedas, Vishnu, Western Hinduism, White Hindus | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment